Horse Farm

In the midst of gullies illuminated by a ferocious sun, the Cavalli agricultural company is located in the countryside of Pomarico, an ancient agricultural center not far from the city of Matera famous for the "Sassi", a UNESCO world heritage site.

The Cavalli Agricultural Company extends over a hilly area of ​​350 hectares between gullies, flat areas and lush hills that slope down to the Basento river. The deep sense of belonging and dedication that have always linked us to our business has led us over the years to become a modern and efficient company. Our activities, olive growing, sheep and goat breeding, dairy farming, cereal crops, pastures, photovoltaic energy production, are carried out with cutting-edge technologies without forgetting the ancient flavor of our traditions.

The Cavalli farm is synonymous with olive growing, sheep and goat breeding, a dairy with mixed sheep and goat cheeses, pecorino cheeses, moldy goat cheeses, three milks, Gran Cavalli, caciocavalli, fresh cheeses and stretched curd cheeses. The dairy products of the Cavalli Agricultural Company do not contain additives, colorings and preservatives.

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